We offer Holy Communion at all of our worship services on the first weekend of the month.



For those who miss being able to celebrate and receive Holy Communion due to distance or for health concerns, we have an online option that we pray you will find meaningful. In the video below, you will be able to follow along with verbal and written instructions.

But before you proceed, here are a few prefatory words:

Invite a few others to join you for Communion if safe to do so. If you are with another person, consider offering the elements to one another speaking first the words, “This is the Body of Christ, given for you.” And then, with wine or juice, “This is the blood of Christ, shed for you.”

Prepare the communion elements (bread and wine or non-alcoholic grape juice) and an area where you will commune. Create a special place: perhaps you have a cross, light a candle or dim the lights. Mark this time and space as a holy time to meet the Lord.

Prepare your hearts by sitting quietly without the distraction of television or other sound in the room. Turn your attention to God, who earnestly desires to meet you during this time.

Open your Bible and find a favorite verse. Read a section of one of the Gospels. Read through Psalm 51:16-18. Read through the narrative of Jesus’ last supper with His disciples in Luke 22:14-20 and Paul’s instructions in 1 Corinthians 11:23-24. Remember the price paid for our Salvation.

Confession of sins is a necessary prerequisite and preparation for Communion. As such, we will offer a brief order for Confession & Forgiveness. Martin Luther reminds us that the best preparation for Holy Communion is a heart that simply believes the words, “Give and shed for you.”